Thursday, December 9, 2010 last!

It's happened...I was beginning to think it never would. Maecy has surprised me...She is sleeping through the night!  And not just once in awhile. I have had 6 glorious nights of sleep. Maecy has gone from getting up 5 or 6 times in the night, to sleeping for 10-12 hours straight!

Last Thursday night I had had enough, I was running on about 3 hours of sleep for the second night in a row, and I was so exhausted I just broke down crying at 3 in the morning and decided no more. That weekend we were going to "cry it out" as the books and internet articles say.  I also made the decision to eliminate the pacifier.  It was afterall the culprit of all of our sleeping problems. It would fall out, Maecy would wake up without it, and become upset. I would rush in trying to quiet her. I felt like a big meany, but I decided I was probably a whole lot meaner without sleep! :)

Thank goodness my mom came down on Friday night, so I had her for moral support. And I needed it. Friday night was rough.  She was so mad when we put her down the first time. I proceeded to go in every 10 minutes and reassure her, and try to soothe her (which of course was completely ineffective because she was so worked up). I had to go in 4 times.  I was starting to lose hope...then silence. It lasted about an hour and a half. We repeated the same steps again. The night continued pretty much the same, but the chunks of sleep got longer and longer. I started to think that maybe we were going to get some sleep around our house afterall!

Saturday night was great - she was sleeping within 15 minutes, and while she fussed around 2:30, she was able to put herself back to sleep within minutes.  Since then, she has slept through the night without a peep! :)

Since she no longer has her pacifier, she has found her thumb. Right now I am not thinking about how she might be a thumbsucker until she is five...I am just enjoying a full night's sleep! :) Speaking of's about that time!
Maecy's way to tell me she is ready for bed...twirling the hair and sucking her thumb!

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing stretch of sleep for a 3 month old! And she doesn't sleep swaddled?!?! So awesome for you to sleep train her so early and take the paci away. I had always wished she would take a paci but in hindsight I am so glad she never got hooked on one. You will probably be happy too that you took it away already. I didn't sleep train Whitney until about 9/10 months and looking back on it, that was way to long to wait. Sounds like you have the mommy thing figured out!!!

    Very cute baby girl!!! Happy Holidays!
